Data Culture

Promova Promote the transformation of your organization through a process structured in constant Governance, Training and Evolution.


It’s no use for your company to obtain relevant data and only a part of the team masters the knowledge
of how to interpret them. In a Data Culture, the data mindset is part of the people, processes, policies
and technologies available.

MG Info offers your team customized training that generates data literacy and develops the analytical thinking that brings results for your company. In conceptual or technical training, a practical, agile methodology is applied exclusively for each client.

Trainings are carried out remotely or in loco.


Data Literacy

People from all departments speaking the same data language.

Data Citizens

Empower business professionals to use advanced data analysis techniques such as prediction, classification and prescription without necessarily being data scientists.

Data Performance

Train C-Level executives to explore your company’s information and gain quick insights with high decision-making power.

Self Service Analytics

Empowerment for self-analysis of data that generatesinsights and empowers users to create their own analysis.


As important as training is to ensure that we are in full evolution, after all, culture does not change overnight.

MG INFO offers services that can support and evolve your company’s data culture:

Data Driven Culture Workshops

Events for constant updates.

Data Driven Championship

Dynamics for the development of data-oriented thinking.

Data Driven Center

Specialized support and guidance in data culture.

Experience Exchange

Reach new horizons by getting to know consolidated projects of partner companies.

Data Coach

Open your mind, explore what's new and stay ahead.